imep Barco Screen

Enhanced learning by connecting virtually

How do we continue Nipro iMEP’s mission of encouraging people to blossom through education, especially in times of crisis and with limitations on physical connection?  By facing this challenge together - quite literally! 

Welcome to iMEP’s virtual classroom, where educators and students come face-to-face in an engaging digital environment, and where increased inclusion enables faster course development and reduces the need to travel. 

What to expect?

  • A learning experience focused on real-time engagement

  • A classroom that allows some students to participate in person (at a safe social distance), while a wall of screens in the background allows for the individual transmission and active participation of 46 virtual participants

  • An easy to use platform in which an educator can present in a hybrid or a fully-virtual fashion


Thanks to a wall of screens, a nicely integrated audio system, 10 cameras, 1 interactive whiteboard, and high-quality streaming services:

  • Students will be able to enjoy an interactive training experience, as if they were physically participating in the training, all while sharing the same room as the trainer and fellow students
  • Trainers will be able to quickly feel at ease, as the virtual classroom setup simulates their natural habitat – standing in front of an audience, presenting their usual content 
What I liked most about the virtual classroom was the real-time interaction. Interaction with remote participants, on the one hand – whose camera feeds were displayed on the screens in front of the presenter, allowing for immediate feedback and questions. And on the other hand, interaction with colleagues present in the Barco classroom – whose input could be heard by the remote participants, making you, as a presenter, feel supported by your team and resulting in a very efficient exchange of information.
Hannelore Maes - Scientific Advisor
Hannelore Maes
imep-Niel-ultrasound training

Lights on, camera check, and... ACTION!

The goal of training is obviously to impart knowledge.  One of the key ingredients for retention in training is engagement.  Therefore, our initiative can only be successful with a system in place that facilitates and encourages interaction between the educator and students.  And we are proud to offer exactly that! 

iMEP’s virtual classroom allows students to participate and educators to monitor who could benefit from receiving further clarification.  Bringing people together, organizing interactive quizzes or polls, drawing on whiteboarding, and sharing content - are possible!

Improved sustainability

By following training courses in your own environment, you can positively impact your time management. Moreover, remote learning can significantly reduce travel and, as a consequence, reduce one's carbon footprint. 

Learning means growing!

We encourage you to learn, grow, and blossom through education - whether in person or in our virtual classroom!